Monday, November 5, 2007


I went for my appointment last Thursday...another NST and AFI. This time Atticus decided that he would be a very quiet boy during the NST. The nurse actually used a "buzzer" to get the last necessary movement out of him for the final reading. The other thing that the nurse and the doctor both pointed out to me was that I was having a fair number of contractions! They weren't incredibly strong, but watching the monitor that was measuring them I was able to figure out that what I thought was Atticus stretching out and getting comfortable was actually contractions. When I saw the doctor, he checked and I was dilated to 2cm. I went home on Thursday and laid down on the couch to try to get the contractions to stop or slow down. I think everything was worse because I was very nervous that Ron was still in Florida. I went home after the appointment and laid down, to try to stop or slow the didn't work. I was having contractions very irregularly, anywhere from 10-20 minutes apart, but they were only lasting about 30-40 seconds. They continued throughout the night and into morning. I didn't go to work so that I could stay off my feet...they did seem to slow down if I was not up and moving too much. They have continued through the weekend, are occurring much less often, but last a lot longer and are definitely stronger when I have them.

I went to work today, I figured if anything happens, I am already at the hospital... I was pretty miserable and uncomfortable. I tried to sit as much as possible, but even that became really uncomfortable. I just wish I could have laid down a few different times...that might have helped! I would love to stop working, but just don't want to give up the time I plan to take off after Atticus is born. Only 16 more days... I can do this! =) Our next doctor's appointment is tomorrow, we'll see what he has to say....


Tiffany McCallen said...

Oh how exciting!! It won't be long now... take it easy and enjoy these last few precious nights of sleep. We're thinking about you guys.

—Tif, David & Noah

Anonymous said...

2 weeks wow seems like time has gone by fast, at least from Peoria. It is so nice to have an addition to the family. God is watching over all of you. Patti