Wednesday, September 12, 2007

10 weeks left?????

How can it be? It seems like it was just yesterday that I found out and was anxiously awaiting coming home from work to tell Ron! It's amazing how fast time flies! Well, I had my first shower this past Saturday. It was really nice. It was at Lucille's Tea Room in Rockford, Carole and my mom threw it for me.We got lots of wonderful gifts from our family and friends. All I can say is what wonderfully generous family and friends we have. We are truly blessed. This is also going to be the best dressed kid on the block! What cute clothes he has! On Sunday I was inspired to begin to prepare a room for our little man! I spent a few hours in the morning emptying things out of what I previously used as a craft/junk/don't know where else to put it room! I spent more time last night, too. It's coming along. I have a few more things to empty out of there, and am hopeful that by the end of this weekend I can have at least the first coat of paint on the walls! I am starting to feel the pressure...

I have also been blessed, however this time I am not incredibly grateful, with 3rd trimester morning sickness. It's actually all day nausea.... It's been strange for me because I never experienced this during my 1st trimester. I've decided that I really don't like it! Luckily I can still say that I haven't gotten sick at all during the entire pregnancy! Tomorrow is our next doctor's appointment. Hopefully we will make the appointment for our next ultrasound. We are supposed to have one to check growth and development around 30 weeks, which is today.... I am anxious to get that scheduled!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kim, thanks for the picture but you really don't look to big. Good for you. Are you registered at Target?