Monday, October 22, 2007

A busy couple of weeks!

Wow! It's been kind of crazy lately, so I haven't posted in a while. Let's see....since my last post what has been going on???

At the end of September, my friends at work (Susan, Cathy and Theresa) had a baby shower for us. It was really, really nice. There were LOTS of people there and there was TONS of amazing food! It was fun. We played a couple games, which is a highlight at any shower!!! It was so much fun! The cake was really cute, it matched the invitations that they made. I also included a picture of the quilt Susan made for Atticus. It is really beautiful, something we will definitely treasure! As I said, we are truly blessed with such great friends and family! We are truly grateful.

On October 1st, Jonathon David (JD) Heick was born. Caren and JD are both doing well. Unfortunately I was sick with the flu for about 3 days after he was born and everything has been such a whirlwind since then, I still haven't gotten to meet him.
Congratulations Jon and Caren! I can't wait to meet him!

We had a doctor's appointment on 10/11. It wasn't very exciting, no ultrasounds or pictures, just some measurements and listening to his heartbeat with the doppler. I never tire of that, it is such an amazing sound! Our next appointment is this coming Thursday....after that we start going every week. When we start our weekly appointments, we are going to start having non-stress tests performed (I don't know anything about it except I sit in a comfy chair and listen to his heartbeat for about half an hour...I'll post more about it when I know some more) and they are also going to measure the amniotic fluid levels. I know this is done by ultrasound, so I am hopeful that we will get to see him each time and get pictures, but I am really not sure. Atticus is doing great...he has been especially active the last few days! I think he's having a party in there! I, on the other hand, am not having quite as much fun as he is! I am starting to have trouble getting comfortable at night, so am having problems sleeping. Oh well, I know it's just one of the joys of being 9 months pregnant! I try not to complain, he will be here so soon (he's due in 30 days) and I know that there is so much I will miss about being pregnant. So I am trying to enjoy these last few weeks as much as possible!

Wednesday afternoon, we are going to meet our pediatrician for a "getting to know you" appointment. I am looking forward to it. We chose Dr. Panzica to be his doctor. She is recommended by everyone I know who takes their kids to her. She is also someone Ron has known since he was in high school. His best friend in high school dated her daughter for years, which is how I also first met her when Ron and I were first dating. She always impressed me with the time she spent taking care of her patients and talking to their parents on the phone in the evenings. I am looking forward to getting to know her in this new capacity as Atticus' doctor.

Last, but DEFINITELY not least, yesterday was Rebecca and Michael's wedding. It was absolutely beautiful outside, they couldn't have asked for a more perfect day...especially in late October! It was in the low 80's and there was not a cloud in the sky. Gorgeous! Rebecca was a beautiful bride. All night I kept hearing from different people how happy they both look and how just look at them and tell that they are in love. It was really neat.Rebecca and Michael, we are happy for you and wish you many years of love and happiness. Congratulations, we love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful quilt.
The day is getting closer.